It’s a Part of Life

The last post was written up earlier in the day on the 18th. The plan was to go home after dinner, put in the pictures and post it up. It only went up a couple of minutes ago. A phone call from my husband at the end of dinner changed everything. My Mum-in-law suffered a brain aneurysm and was called back home to God.

As the plane was landing into the Vancouver airport, despite my heavy heart, I was filled with warmth by the beautiful sunrise from the window of my seat. I know there will be a next time when I see her again and when the time comes there will be lots of catching up to do.

For now, I already miss my mum-in-law. She was a sweet woman who did everything for her children and was always kind and loving to me. I especially won’t forget how we shared the same love for gadgets and new technology. Yes, at 62, she learnt how to code her own website and wanted her very own iPad too 🙂

“It’s a part of life” is a phrase I heard a couple of times over the last few days. While it is, it’s still hard when someone you love goes before you. Someone said it gets easier. No, it never does, with each time you just know more what to do and it looks like it’s easier. It doesn’t ever get easier. With each time though, I’m learning more and more how each moment we share with each other is so so precious. We may live for a long long time or we may not, regardless, each moment we share is special because that moment can’t be replicated.

I forget that some times and hope I remember it more often.

I take heart that this Christmas, all of my Grandparents and my Mum-in-law are kicking it up where the celebrations are probably the best 🙂 I miss you all very much. Till we meet again, you’ll be in my heart.

Through Their Eyes

It’s funny how sharing your experiences with children makes you reevaluate how you see the world.  A simple jaunt to the playground with nice, clean, fine sand is like tasting water after being left in the desert for days.

Playing with a dollhouse, feeling waves crash around your ankles, chasing bubbles all seem to bring a breath of fresh air, kinda just what the doctor ordered.  Despite the craziness that comes with child rearing, the simple joy of laughing and play makes it all worth while.

More than that, it’s an excuse to go toy shopping and act silly without having the other adults around you think you’ve lost your marbles :p

In the same breath, they can be a crashing dose of reality too.  We brought them to Kings Park, one of my favourite places in Perth to catch the city by night and enjoy the night breeze.  After about 15minutes of running around without a care in the world, my nephew asked me what else is there to do?  I replied walk or run some more, enjoy the breeze, look at the stars.  He simply said, “Boring, can we go home now?”  I can see why it’s boring too but that’s the bit I love about growing older, you learn to appreciate the world around you a little more.

That’s why I’m pretty much having the perfect holiday, I get to play with the kids and reflect and contemplate with my parents.  Life is good 🙂

In Perth

I’ve been very happy in Perth for the last 5 days or so … yes, it’s been about that long and there hasn’t been any posts :p  Yes, children keep you busy during the day and when night comes you’re tired enough to fall straight to sleep.  So I honestly don’t know how you blogging mummies do it.  I’m not even watching them by myself.

The kids were so excited that we had to leave for the airport early.  I have NEVER been to the airport so early that they don’t have the gate to our flight yet :p  I also didn’t know that there was a playground after you clear immigration.  Now I know.

We got on the plane and before we knew it we were in Perth!!

Like I said, I’ve been really happy 🙂  There’s something to be said about being around family, being home with your parents … it’s all good and yes, I can’t say it enough, I’m happy.

At 15months

Before you know it, they become little toddlers and are no longer little babies.  I’m talking about my Goddaughter who turns all of 15months today 🙂  Later today we’ll be on a plane and off to Perth to hang out with my parents.  You have NO IDEA how much I’ve been thinking about today :S

Back to Rachael who I’m sure I’ll have more stories to tell from down under, her hair is growing our nicely but ever so often someone will still refer to her as a boy :p  Not in my opinion though, she’s the little tomboy girl I kinda was at that age.  My Mummy tells me people referred to me as a boy till I was like maybe 3 :p

Rachael’s started walking but other than ‘Mummy’ she doesn’t say much.  She’s still a little Koala stuck to her Mum.  Yes, she cries when her Mummy isn’t in sight.  Much to the chagrin of all of us who try to cuddle her 😛  I’m happy to report, she tolerates me and I do get to carry her when she’s in the right mood.  Everyone else has to take a number 🙂  That’s the perk of being Godma 😉

She’s definitely a baby no more but I’m excited.  I can’t wait for her to join her brother and sister on our days out.  Right now, I’m completely biased and think this is a good collection of her being 15 months old 🙂  Don’t you just want to kiss her little head?

Happy Deepavali

Unlike Halloween, Deepavali is a staple in our year of celebrations.  So of course, my Daddy had a craving for Indian food for lunch today but since it is Deepavali, he settled for mui fan 🙂

If I ever move from Singapore, one of the things I’ll miss is the bazaars that happen around our festivals.  I’m the sort, come Chinese New Year, I’m in Chinatown, Hari Raya will find me in Geylang.  So when Annie was in town a couple of week ago, I brought them to one of my favourite places to eat in Little India and of course, a pleasant after dinner stroll through the bazaar.

There’s nothing like a stroll through the bazaar to get you into the mood for the festival 🙂

Now I can’t wait for Annie to move to Singapore and we can check out the Geylang bazaar next Hari Raya 🙂

Till then, these two will be back on skype, fring and msn … the world has definitely changed for long distance relationships.  Not so long along, when my husband was in Canada and broadband was only just starting to make itself felt, we relied on expensive phone calls :p Love knows no boundaries though so I don’t think these two will let anything come in the way 🙂

Happy Deepavali weekend everyone!!


Trick or Treat

The other when my husband and I were taking a walk through a nature reserve, I was pleasantly surprise at how much of a variety of accents can be found in Singapore.  We have always been multiracial and multicultural but beyond the usual, in a 2 hour walk, we heard French, American, what I reckon is Danish, Chinese, Indian accents … it truly was what I love about Singapore.  It’s such an easy place to come, live and not feel out of place.  Of course, that coming from a Singaporean :p

It is more true than ever that anything can happen in Singapore now.  Growing up, Halloween was an American holiday that I read about or watch on TV.  For my munchkins though, Singapore is such a different place.  Slowly but most definitely surely, Halloween is making its way into our calendar of celebrations.  As in my last post, I actually go to work with a really cool bunch of people. So when someone came up with the idea to have a burger party at Shu’s, we were all game for it and over the last couple of weeks it evolved to a Halloween party involving burgers 🙂

I got dressed up with my munchkins and headed West to the bachelor pad of Uncle Shu.

They got right into the festivities and started having fun with Tigger a.k.a Jonah.

The costumes didn’t last more than 15minutes though, the kiddy pool just next to the function room beckoned them.

While the kids were having fun in the pool, the adults were busy dressing up the room.  Thanks to Auntie Pochahontas Daph and Uncle Mummy Danzel, the room was spooky enough yet still kid friendly 🙂

It was food galore too, from burgers to beef stew to KFC to chippies, we had A LOT of leftovers :p

Besides stuffing our faces, there were games too!!

Let us not forget the favourite balloon uncle.  Thanks to Uncle Danzel who besides doing a mean Mummy also bends balloons in his spare time 😉

Needless to say, the kids were having a whale of a time!!  It says quite a bit about the people I work with 🙂  I’ve been rather fortunate that way, I get to call them friends and not colleagues, and spending time during the weekends is something we all want to do.

Auntie Winnie took the cake when it came to best dressed.  As the Joker from Dark Knight, she asked both young and old, “Why so serious?”  Now you know why I actually hang out with people I see everyday 🙂

That happened on the eve of Halloween.  Like I said, my munchkins are growing up in a very different Singapore because one can actually go Trick or Treating in Singapore!!  Together with their chickie friend Nicole, we headed to Woodlands to be immerse in some good ‘ole American culture.

The polyester chicken costume didn’t last long though and the Little Chick became an orange dress 🙂

I was actually very surprised at the turn out.  Almost every other house was decked out in Halloween decorations and everyone was on the street in their costumes.  Even my Canadian husband who was secretly pleased with the whole celebrations was surprised at how many houses were in on the day.

Since it was their very first time trick or treating, my munchkins just had to take their Canadian Uncle’s word for it when he told them to just go up and say “Trick or treat!!”  Though I suspect, they weren’t sure what it all meant but for free candy, they’d pretty much say anything :p

We didn’t last too long and as the sun started to set, we headed off.  It was enough fun to plan on going out next year too 🙂  Next time, I’m going to be more exciting than just a witch :p