Full Moon in Perth

I can’t be the only one who was enjoying the full moon tonight.  There’s something about full moons.  They always have had a effect on me.  What though, I’m not quite sure :p

Tonight as it slowly hits me that 2009 is about to end … yes, it is December, I’m grateful for everything 2009 has thrown at me.  Such is life, right?  The ups come with the downs and at the end, it sort of works itself out.  Well, I’ve been pretty blessed that way and 2009 isn’t quite that different.  That said, there’s still 3 more weeks before the year officially ends, who knows how the year will end.  From my vantage point, there’s no where but up 🙂

Meanwhile, there’s nothing like a new moon amidst a star filled night to make you all warm, fuzzy and sentimental.  Here’s a great December for all!!

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